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Monday, February 25, 2008

What I Love About My Job/Carnival of Christian Writers

The February Carnival of Christian Writers is up today. I hope you'll check out what this month's Authors, Aspiring Authors, Literary Agents, Editors, etc. have to say about their love of the craft, call, and business of Writing.

A special thanks to Gina Conroy at Writer . . . Interrupted where I won Paul Borthwick's book Simplify: 106 ways to uncomplicate your life. This is a subject that is near and dear to me as I strive to get back to the basics and sort out what those basics are. A brief scan of the introduction and topics tells me I have a treat in store. Some of the chapter titles are: Discerning Want Versus Need, Stay Out of Debt, Toss That Mail, Make a List, Eat Before Food Shopping, Making Memories, and Staying Fit. 106 short chapters (simple) to put one on the path to a simpler, more fulfilled life. Thanks, Gina!


Erica Vetsch said...

I'll be beetling over to see the Carnivale this month...but I had to laugh. One hundred six ways to simplify your life? That's a lot of ways...seems complicated before I start!

carla stewart said...

LOL! 106 ways are a lot! Some of them are only one paragraph long, and overall the type and layout make it a quick read. Mostly common sense and getting priorities in order. Quite a nice little book, actually.
Enjoy the carnival!