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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Girlfriend Bible Studies - Fun Ways to Study the Scripture with your friends

Creative Ways to Have Girlfriend Bible Studies -
from Sandra Glahn, author of the Coffee Cup Bible Study Series 

· Get ripped with Ruth. Meet at the health club and walk side-by-side on the treadmill with your BFF. The study’s spiral binding and modest size lends itself to being stashed in a gym bag. You won’t even have to pack your Bible. The text is included.

· Inhale the aroma of java as you enter your favorite coffee shop. Order yourself a cappuccino, and then hang out around the table with friends discussing Colossians. 

· For your friend’s birthday, give her chocolate-covered coffee beans and a Coffee Cup Bible study. Promise her an hour every week of your time for building your friendship on what lasts.

· Invite the person who does your nails to consider the words of Jesus. Provide a copy of Mocha on the Mount, and every time you’re together discuss what you’re both learning as you go through it. Schedule an extended “Spiritual Spa Day” together by watching and discussing a movie about Esther as you kick off bi-weekly meetings around your kitchen table. Contemplate what the Hadassah spa—Esther’s year of beauty treatments—must have been like. Then consider the part of her beauty that was deeper than skin.

· You don’t have to sip your cuppa joe in a shop that starts with an “S.” Grab some colleagues and organize a small group study. You can nurse your favorite beverage in the company cafeteria, the hospital coffee shop—even your local McDonald’s. 

· Brew a pot of coffee in your church kitchen and meet one evening per week with members of your congregation. Engage in a lively discussion about Deborah, Jael, and Samson’s mother as you go through Java with the Judges.

One fortune blogger from each participating blog will be entered into a grand prize drawing for a coffee themed tote bag, twelve oz of Starbucks Sumatra and signed copies for Kona with Jonah and Frappe' with Philippians. Leave a comment here or in the previous post. I'll draw a name on Friday (Nov 6). Here's a picture of what you might win!


Cheryl Barker said...

You know me, Carla, I'm always up for a giveaway :) I've got one going on on my blog right now -- come check it out if you get a chance. Blessings!

Carla Gade said...

I'm lovin' it! As a small group leader/Bible study teacher I think these would be a great hit and a great outreach study to use.

carlagade [at]gmail [dot] com

David said...

I'd love to win this for my wife!

David said...

oh yeah...

dwallace [at] masterdesigns4him [dot] com

carla stewart said...

You're all in the drawing. These are great Bible studies - I've enjoyed several of them. thanks for stopping by.