CAFE: A gathering place. A place of refreshment.

Thirsty for the latest releases in Christian fiction? Ready for a peek into the world of publishing and writing conferences? Hungry for spiritual and real-life nourishment? Pull up a seat; you're in the right place, and I'm so glad you've stopped by.

Monday, November 16, 2009

"My First Sale" Article

A lot of people have asked me about my writing journey. Here you can read it all in the current issue of the ACFW Afictionado Ezine. Tiffany Amber Stockton did the interview and made me sound way more together than I am. ACFW is a wonderful organization where almost 2000 members learn together, cheer each other on, and promote one another. I'm truly blessed to be a part.


Erica Vetsch said...

I read the article and cheered the whole time!


carla stewart said...

Thanks, Erica. That would have made two of us going "squeeeee"!

Tiffany Amber Stockton said...

Aww, shucks. I merely took the content you sent me and fashioned it into an article. You're the one with the great story. I just wrote it. :)